Friday, July 17, 2009

Project anxiety and neighborhood pickup therapy.

So, I have an independent study during this summer quarter, for which I chose to examine the economic opportunities of an urban agriculture property run by the university. Thus far, however, I have made little progress. My mind has been muddled with so many thoughts: my current classwork demands, my girlfriend's impending move to Cincinnati, and the fear-based anxiety of doing something I have never done before--not even close.

At this moment, my grumbling stomach is in alliance with the work that is being done at the farm. Both long for a greater availablility of healthy, organic food in area. I ate so well yesterday, until I was tempted by my girlfriend's run to Skyline Chili. I should have gone out to the farm earlier this morning, but waking up early has become more difficult over the past few weeks. Meanwhile, I sit here at my desk, watching the fickle storm clouds volley between sunshine and torrential downpour. Of course I do not want to be caught in middle of the west side in a downpour on my bike.

The weather is interfering with an alternative to my trip out to the farm site: something I have not done in a while is a neighborhood pickup. I remember riding my bike between my former residence and a chain-linked, vacant site at Calhoun and Vine, picking up several bags worth of glass and plastic bottles. Bus riders waiting for the 46 or 78 buses--or late night bar hoppers on the way to or from their cars--would throw their garbage over the fenced property. Setting aside a couple hours in Over-the-Rhine or in what I call The Northern Liberties would be very theraputic. Since I have never done a pickup down there before, I wonder if the neighbors will perceive me as being helpful or looking down on them for letting their neighborhood become so littered.

Emilie is leaving for Rochester tomorrow, but she will be back on the 29th. As much as I hate to say it, I tend to get more work done when she is not around. Even though she has been in Cincinnati for the past month, I attribute my corresponding work ethic to the newness of our experience. Nonetheless, I intend to capitalize on the time between her departure tomorrow and her return at the end of the month.

I will have more to say after my trudge through...and maybe even a bike ride anyway!


Mark said...

Hey Christian. Thanks for retweeting me earlier. Great article.

As my girlfriend is currently abroad I am digging the time to get work done (not complaining though).

Clean-ups are cool. Although it is amazing how quickly the OTR gets trashed. Every day the streets are cleaned by the city sweepers at 3 AM and then by inmate crews from prison at 7 AM; by night fall the streets are trashed.
Clean-ups still rock.

I planted at the OTR Homegrown garden on Walnut, what garden were you at?

Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading your blog posts.



Christian said...


Thanks for your reply! I'm sorry that the blog entry is so dated (July!). I fully intend to make it a full-time endeavor in the next week. Many projects are on my plate, and I really would like to have an outlet for that progress.

I actually have been talking to someone you may have worked with at the OTR garden on Walnut. I'm interested in corresponding with you via e-mail about your experiences with that project. As for myself, I worked briefly at the UC Urban Farm. I had originally intended to do an independent study, focusing on the long-term economic viability of the project. However, my academics took up more time than I anticipated. I still learned valuable things during my time.

Please remind me about which retweet you are referring. You are the SEO, correct?